Cataclysm – Die neuen Glyphen für alle Klassen – Priester Prime, Major und Minor Glyphen im Blickpunkt

Neben den Talentbaumänderungen wird der Cataclysm Prä-Patch 4.0.1 ebenso die Überarbeitung an den Glyphen mit sich bringen. An den Glyphen ändern sich grundlegend zwei Faktoren: Zum einen kommt eine weitere Glyhpenkategorie neben den Major und Minor Glyphen hinzu: Die Prime Glyhpen. Fortan kann man also statt 6 nun 9 Glyphen benutzen, was wesentlich mehr Spielraum beim Einsatz der Glyphen bietet. Zum anderen sind die Glyphen dann keine Verbrauchsgüter mehr. Einmal erlernt, kann man jede Glyphe immer wieder einfach ein- oder ausbauen, ohne das man im AH eine neue der gleichen Art erwerben muss. Was für den Ottonormal-Spieler toll klingt, wird die Scriber, oder auch Inschriftenkundler, wenig freuen: Hier drohen massig Gewinneinbußen. Denn einmal gekauft, braucht man diese Glyphe nie wieder zu erwerben. Der Markt wird also viel schneller gesättigt sein, als noch zu WotLK-Zeiten.

Alle Klassen-Glyphen im Überblick:

  • Priester Glyphen
  • Todesritter Glyphen
  • Druide Glyphen
  • Jäger Glyphen
  • Magier Glyphen
  • Paladin Glyphen
  • Schurken Glyphen
  • Schamanen Glyphen
  • Hexenmeister Glyphen
  • Krieger Glyphen
  • Ankerpunkte
    Priester Glyphen

    Schauen wir uns zu Beginn zunächst die Priester Glyphen an:

    Bei den Minor Glpyhen ändert sich nicht viel, auch in Cataclysm wird man nur maximal vier der Minor-Glyphen bei allen drei Priester-Speccs sehen: Shadowfiend, Levitate und Fortitude/Shadow Protection.

    Bei den Major Glyphen greift man am besten auf Dinvine Accuracy fürs Smite-Hit, Smite für mehr Schaden, wenn das Ziel vom Holy Fire Dot betroffen ist, und Dispel Magic oder Mass Dispel, sofern benötigt, zurück. Bei den Prime Glyphen sind Penance, Power Word: Shield und Flash Heal bzw. situativ Power Word: Barrier erste Wahl.

    Bei den Major Glyphen sind Circle of Healing und eben auch Divine Accuracy und Smite gesetzt. Bei den Prime Glyphen greift man am besten auf Guardian Spirit, Prayer of Healing und Renew zurück. Sofern der Kampf wenig Gruppenschaden verursacht, kann man statt auf PoH auch auf Flash Heal oder Lightwell zurück greifen. Die Glyphen lassen sich ja nun problemlos vor jedem Boss austauschen.

    An Major Glyphen gibt es recht wenig interessantes für den Shadow. Spirit Tap zum Leveln mit Schattenwort: Tod, ebenso Inner Fire und Fade. Mehr sinnvolles außer Fear und Horror, was beides aber eher raidundienlich ist, gibt es hier leider (noch) nicht. Bei den Prime Glyphen sind Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Death und MindFlay gesetzt. Dispersion kann man situativ, oder bei derben Manaproblemen, statt der Death Glyphe dazu rüsten.

    Prime Glyphs
    DispersionDispersion Reduces the cooldown on Dispersion by 45 sec.
    Flash HealFlash Heal Increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal on targets at or below 25% health by 10%.
    Guardian SpiritGuardian Spirit Reduces the cooldown of your Guardian Spirit by 30 sec.
    LightwellLightwell Increases the total amount of charges of your Lightwell by 5.
    Mind FlayMind Flay Increases the damage done by your Mind Flay spell by 10% when your target is afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain.
    PenancePenance Reduces the cooldown of Penance by 2 sec.
    Power Word: BarrierPower Word: Barrier Increases the healing received while under the Barrier by 10%.
    Power Word: ShieldPower Word: Shield Your Power Word: Shield also heals the target for 20% of the absorption amount.
    Prayer of HealingPrayer of Healing Your Prayer of Healing spell also heals an additional 20% of its initial heal over 6 sec.
    RenewRenew Increases the amount healed by your Renew by an additional 10%.
    Shadow Word: DeathShadow Word: Death If your Shadow Word: Death fails to kill the target at or below 25% health, your Shadow Word: Death’s cooldown is instantly reset.
    Shadow Word: PainShadow Word: Pain Increases the periodic damage of your Shadow Word: Pain by 10%.
    Major Glyphs
    Circle of HealingCircle of Healing Your Circle of Healing spell heals 1 additional target.
    Dispel MagicDispel Magic Your Dispel Magic spell also heals your target for 3% of maximum health.
    Divine AccuracyDivine Accuracy Increases your chance to hit with your Smite by 18%.
    FadeFade Reduces the cooldown of your Fade spell by 9 sec.
    Fear WardFear Ward Reduces cooldown and duration of Fear Ward by 60 sec.
    Holy NovaHoly Nova Reduces the global cooldown of your Holy Nova by .5 sec.
    Inner FireInner Fire Increases the armor from your Inner Fire spell by 50%.
    Mass DispelMass Dispel Reduces the cast time of Mass Dispel by 1 sec.
    Pain SuppressionPain Suppression Allows Pain Suppression to be cast while stunned.
    Psychic HorrorPsychic Horror Reduces the cooldown of your Psychic Horror by 60 sec.
    Psychic ScreamPsychic Scream Targets of your Psychic Scream spell now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear, but the cooldown of Psychic Scream is increased by 3 sec.
    Scourge ImprisonmentScourge Imprisonment Reduces the cast time of your Shackle Undead by 1 sec.
    SmiteSmite Your Smite spell inflicts an additional 20% damage against targets afflicted by Holy Fire.
    Spirit TapSpirit Tap When you kill a target with your Shadow Word: Death and yield experience or honor, you instantly receive 12% of your total mana over 12 sec.
    Spirit of RedemptionSpirit of Redemption Increases the duration of Spirit of Redemption by 6 sec.
    Minor Glyphs
    FadingFading Reduces the mana cost of your Fade spell by 30%.
    FortitudeFortitude Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude spell by 50%.
    LevitateLevitate Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent.
    Shackle UndeadShackle Undead Increases the range of your Shackle Undead spell by 5 yards.
    Shadow ProtectionShadow Protection Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection spell by 10 min.
    ShadowfiendShadowfiend Receive 5% of your maximum mana if your Shadowfiend dies from damage.

    Todesritter Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Death CoilDeath Coil Increases the damage or healing done by Death Coil by 15%.
    Death StrikeDeath Strike Increases your Death Strike’s damage by 2% for every 5 runic power you currently have (up to a maximum of 40%). The runic power is not consumed by this effect.
    Death and DecayDeath and Decay Increases the duration of your Death and Decay spell by 50%.
    Frost StrikeFrost Strike Reduces the cost of your Frost Strike by 8 Runic Power.
    Heart StrikeHeart Strike Increases the damage of your Heart Strike ability by 30%.
    Howling BlastHowling Blast Your Howling Blast ability now infects your targets with Frost Fever.
    Icy TouchIcy Touch Your Frost Fever disease deals 20% additional damage.
    ObliterateObliterate Increases the damage of your Obliterate ability by 20%.
    Raise DeadRaise Dead Your Ghoul receives an additional 40% of your Strength and 40% of your Stamina.
    Rune StrikeRune Strike Increases the critical strike chance of your Rune Strike by 10%.
    Scourge StrikeScourge Strike Increases the Shadow damage portion of your Scourge Strike by 30%.
    Major Glyphs
    Anti-Magic ShellAnti-Magic Shell Increases the duration of your Anti-Magic Shell by 2 sec.
    Blood BoilBlood Boil Increases the radius of your Blood Boil ability by 50%.
    Bone ShieldBone Shield Increases your movement speed by 15% while Bone Shield is active. This does not stack with other movement-speed increasing effects.
    Chains of IceChains of Ice Your Chains of Ice also causes 144 to 156 Frost damage, with additional damage depending on your attack power.
    Dancing Rune WeaponDancing Rune Weapon Increases your threat generation by 50% while your Dancing Rune Weapon is active.
    Death GripDeath Grip Increases the range of your Death Grip ability by 5 yards.
    Hungering ColdHungering Cold Your Hungering Cold ability no longer costs runic power.
    PestilencePestilence Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards.
    Pillar of FrostPillar of Frost Empowers your Pillar of Frost, making you immune to all effects that cause loss of control of your character, but also freezing you in place while the ability is active.
    Rune TapRune Tap Your Rune Tap also heals your party for 10% of their maximum health.
    StrangulateStrangulate Increases the Silence duration of your Strangulate ability by 2 sec when used on a target who is casting a spell.
    Vampiric BloodVampiric Blood Increases the bonus healing received while your Vampiric Blood is active by an additional 15%, but your Vampiric Blood no longer grants you health.
    Minor Glyphs
    Blood TapBlood Tap Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you.
    Death's EmbraceDeath’s Embrace Your Death Coil refunds 20 runic power when used to heal.
    Horn of WinterHorn of Winter Increases the duration of your Horn of Winter ability by 1 min.
    Path of FrostPath of Frost Your Path of Frost ability allows you to fall from a greater distance without suffering damage.
    Raise AllyRaise Ally Increases the health of your Risen Ally by 25% and its run speed by 15%.
    Resilient GripResilient Grip When your Death Grip ability fails because its target is immune, its cooldown is reset.

    Druiden Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    BerserkBerserk Increases the duration of Berserk by 5 sec.
    Insect SwarmInsect Swarm Increases the damage of your Insect Swarm ability by 30%.
    LacerateLacerate Increases the critical strike chance of your Lacerate ability by 5%.
    LifebloomLifebloom Increases the critical effect chance of your Lifebloom by 10%.
    MangleMangle Increases the damage done by Mangle by 10%.
    MoonfireMoonfire Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 20%.
    RegrowthRegrowth Your Regrowth heal-over-time will automatically refresh its duration on targets at or below 25% health.
    RejuvenationRejuvenation Increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation by 10%.
    RipRip Increases the periodic damage of your Rip by 15%.
    Savage RoarSavage Roar Your Savage Roar ability grants an additional 5% bonus damage done.
    ShredShred Each time you Shred, the duration of your Rip on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec.
    StarfireStarfire Your Starfire ability increases the duration of your Moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec, up to a maximum of 9 additional seconds.
    StarsurgeStarsurge When your Starsurge deals damage, the cooldown remaining on your Starfall is reduced by 5 sec.
    SwiftmendSwiftmend Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target.
    Tiger's FuryTiger’s Fury Reduces the cooldown of your Tiger’s Fury ability by 3 sec.
    WrathWrath Your Wrath does 10% additional damage to targets afflicted by your Insect Swarm.
    Major Glyphs
    BarkskinBarkskin Reduces the chance you’ll be critically hit by melee attacks by 25% while Barkskin is active.
    Entangling RootsEntangling Roots Reduces the cast time of your Entangling Roots by 100%, but increases its cooldown by 5 sec.
    Faerie FireFaerie Fire Increases the range of you Faerie Fire and Feral Faerie Fire abilities by 10 yds.
    Feral ChargeFeral Charge Reduces the cooldown of you Feral Charge (Cat) ability by 2 sec and the cooldown of your Feral Charge (Bear) ability by 1 sec.
    Ferocious BiteFerocious Bite Your Ferocious Bite ability no longer converts extra energy into additional damage.
    FocusFocus Increases the damage done by Starfall by 10%, but decreases its radius by 50%.
    Frenzied RegenerationFrenzied Regeneration While Frenzied Regeneration is active, healing effects on you are 30% more powerful but causes your Frenzied Regeneration to no longer convert rage into health.
    Healing TouchHealing Touch When you Healing Touch, the cooldown on your Nature’s Swiftness is reduced by 5 sec.
    HurricaneHurricane Your Hurricane ability now also slows the movement speed of its victims by 50%.
    InnervateInnervate When Innervate is cast on a friendly target other than the caster, the caster will gain 50% of Innervate’s effect.
    MaulMaul Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target for 50% damage.
    MonsoonMonsoon Reduces the cooldown of your Typhoon spell by 3 sec.
    RakeRake Your Rake ability prevents targets from fleeing.
    RebirthRebirth Players resurrected by Rebirth are returned to life with 100% health.
    Solar BeamSolar Beam Increases the duration of your Solar Beam silence effect by 5 sec.
    StarfallStarfall Reduces the cooldown of Starfall by 30 sec.
    ThornsThorns Reduces the cooldown of your Thorns spell by 20 sec.
    Wild GrowthWild Growth Wild Growth can affect 1 additional target.
    Minor Glyphs
    Aquatic FormAquatic Form Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.
    Challenging RoarChallenging Roar Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec.
    DashDash Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 20%.
    Mark of the WildMark of the Wild Mana cost of your Mark of the Wild reduced by 50%.
    TyphoonTyphoon Reduces the cost of your Typhoon spell by 8% and increases its radius by 10 yards, but it no longer knocks enemies back.
    Unburdened RebirthUnburdened Rebirth Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.

    Jäger Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Aimed ShotAimed Shot When you critically hit with Aimed Shot, you instantly gain 5 Focus.
    Arcane ShotArcane Shot Your Arcane Shot deals 12% more damage.
    Chimera ShotChimera Shot Reduces the cooldown of Chimera Shot by 1 sec.
    Dazzled PreyDazzled Prey Your Steady Shot generates an additional 2 Focus on targets afflicted by a daze effect.
    Explosive ShotExplosive Shot Increases the critical strike chance of Explosive Shot by 6%.
    Kill CommandKill Command Reduces the Focus cost of your Kill Command by 3.
    Kill ShotKill Shot If the damage from your Kill Shot fails to kill a target at or below 20% health, your Kill Shot’s cooldown is instantly reset. This effect has a 6 sec cooldown.
    Rapid FireRapid Fire Increases the haste from Rapid Fire by an additional 10%.
    Serpent StingSerpent Sting Increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting by 6%.
    Steady ShotSteady Shot Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10%.
    Major Glyphs
    Bestial WrathBestial Wrath Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 20 sec.
    Concussive ShotConcussive Shot Increases the duration of your Concussive Shot by 2 sec.
    DeterrenceDeterrence Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 10 sec.
    DisengageDisengage Decreases the cooldown of Disengage by 5 sec.
    Freezing TrapFreezing Trap When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim’s movement speed is reduced by 70% for 4 sec.
    Ice TrapIce Trap Increases the radius of the effect from your Ice Trap by 2 yards.
    Immolation TrapImmolation Trap Decreases the duration of the effect from your Immolation Trap by 6 sec., but damage while active is increased by 100%.
    Master's CallMaster’s Call Increases the duration of your Master’s Call by 4 sec.
    MendingMending Increases the healing done by your Mend Pet ability by an additional 3%.
    MisdirectionMisdirection When you use Misdirection to your pet, the cooldown on your Misdirection is reset.
    Raptor StrikeRaptor Strike Reduces damage taken by 20% for 5 sec after using Raptor Strike.
    Scatter ShotScatter Shot Increases the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.
    Silencing ShotSilencing Shot When you successfully silence an enemy’s spell cast with Silencing Shot, you instantly gain 10 focus.
    Snake TrapSnake Trap Snakes from your Snake Trap take 90% reduced damage from area of effect spells.
    Trap LauncherTrap Launcher Reduces the focus cost of Trap Launcher by 10.
    Wyvern StingWyvern Sting Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 6 sec.
    Minor Glyphs
    Aspect of the PackAspect of the Pack Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
    Feign DeathFeign Death Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
    Mend PetMend Pet Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet’s happiness slightly.
    Revive PetRevive Pet Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%.
    Scare BeastScare Beast Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Scare Beast by 75%.

    Magier Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Arcane BarrageArcane Barrage Increases the damage of your Arcane Barrage spell by 4%.
    Arcane BlastArcane Blast Increases the damage from your Arcane Blast buff by 3%.
    Arcane MissilesArcane Missiles Increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Missiles spell by 5%.
    Cone of ColdCone of Cold Increases the damage of your Cone of Cold spell by 25%.
    Deep FreezeDeep Freeze Your Frostbolt spell deals 20% additional damage while Deep Freeze is active on the target.
    FireballFireball Increases the critical strike chance of your Fireball spell by 5%.
    FrostboltFrostbolt Increases the critical strike chance of your Frostbolt spell by 5%.
    Frostfire BoltFrostfire Bolt Increases the damage done by you Frostfire Bolt by 15% and your Frostfire Bolt now deals 3% additional damage over 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times, but no longer reduces the victim’s movement speed.
    Ice LanceIce Lance Increases the damage of your Ice Lance spell by 5%.
    Living BombLiving Bomb Increases the damage of your Living Bomb spell by 3%.
    Mage ArmorMage Armor Your Mage Armor regenerates 20% more mana.
    Molten ArmorMolten Armor Your Molten Armor grants an additional 2% spell critical strike chance.
    PyroblastPyroblast Increases the critical strike chance of your Pyroblast spell by 5%.
    Major Glyphs
    Arcane PowerArcane Power While Arcane Power is active the global cooldown of your Blink, Mana Shield, and Mirror Image is reduced to zero.
    Blast WaveBlast Wave Increases the duration of Blast Wave’s slowing effect by 1 sec.
    BlinkBlink Increases the distance you travel with the Blink spell by 5 yards.
    Dragon's BreathDragon’s Breath Reduces the cooldown of your Dragon’s Breath by 3 sec.
    EvocationEvocation Your Evocation ability also causes you to regain 60% of your health over its duration.
    Frost NovaFrost Nova Your Frost Nova targets can take an additional 20% damage before the Frost Nova effect automatically breaks.
    Ice BarrierIce Barrier Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your Ice Barrier by 30%.
    Ice BlockIce Block Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block.
    Icy VeinsIcy Veins Your Icy Veins ability also removes all movement slowing and cast time slowing effects.
    InvisibilityInvisibility Increases your movement speed while Invisible by 40%.
    Mana ShieldMana Shield Reduces the cooldown of your Mana Shield by 2 sec.
    PolymorphPolymorph Your Polymorph spell also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
    SlowSlow Increases the range of your Slow spell by 5 yards.
    Minor Glyphs
    Arcane BrillianceArcane Brilliance Reduces the mana cost of your Arcane Brilliance spell by 50%.
    ArmorsArmors Increases the duration of your Armor spells by 30 min.
    ConjuringConjuring Reduces the mana cost of your Conjuring spells by 50%.
    Mirror ImageMirror Image Your Mirror Images cast Arcane Blast or Fireball instead of Frostbolt depending on your primary talent tree.
    Slow FallSlow Fall Your Slow Fall spell no longer requires a reagent.
    MonkeyMonkey Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a monkey instead.
    PenguinPenguin Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a penguin instead.

    Paladin Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Crusader StrikeCrusader Strike Increases the critical strike chance of Crusader Strike by 5%.
    Divine FavorDivine Favor Increases the duration of Divine Favor by 10 sec.
    ExorcismExorcism Your Exorcism causes an additional 20% of its damage over 6 sec.
    Hammer of the RighteousHammer of the Righteous Increases the damage of both the physical and Holy components of Hammer of the Righteous by 10%.
    Holy ShockHoly Shock Increases the critical effect chance of Holy Shock by 5%.
    JudgementJudgement Your Judgement deals 10% more damage.
    Seal of InsightSeal of Insight While Seal of Insight is active, the effect of your healing spells is increased by 5%.
    Seal of TruthSeal of Truth Your Seal of Truth also grants 10 expertise while active.
    Shield of the RighteousShield of the Righteous Increases the damage of Shield of the Righteous by 10%.
    Templar's VerdictTemplar’s Verdict Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 15%.
    Word of GloryWord of Glory Increases the healing done by Word of Glory by 10%.
    Major Glyphs
    Beacon of LightBeacon of Light Increases the duration of Beacon of Light by 30 sec.
    CleansingCleansing Reduces the mana cost of your Cleanse by 20%.
    ConsecrationConsecration Increases the duration and cooldown of Consecration by 20%.
    Dazing ShieldDazing Shield Your Avenger’s Shield now also dazes targets.
    Divine PleaDivine Plea Your Divine Plea provides an additional 5% of your total mana.
    Divine ProtectionDivine Protection Removes the physical damage reduction of your Divine Protection, but increases the magical damage reduction by 20%.
    DivinityDivinity Your Lay on Hands grants twice as much mana as normal and also grants you as much mana as it grants your target.
    Focused ShieldFocused Shield Your Avenger’s Shield hits 2 fewer targets, but for 30% more damage.
    Hammer of JusticeHammer of Justice Increases your Hammer of Justice range by 5 yards.
    Hammer of WrathHammer of Wrath Reduces the mana cost of Hammer of Wrath by 100%.
    Holy WrathHoly Wrath Your Holy Wrath now also stuns Elementals and Dragonkin.
    Light of DawnLight of Dawn Reduces the cooldown of Light of Dawn by 10 sec and the amount healed by 20%.
    RebukeRebuke Reduces the mana cost of Rebuke by 100%.
    Hand of SalvationHand of Salvation Hand of Salvation no longer permanently reduces threat over time but instead reduces all threat as long as Hand of Salvation lasts.
    Turn EvilTurn Evil Reduces the casting time of your Turn Evil spell by 100%, but increases the cooldown by 8 sec.
    Ascetic CrusaderAscetic Crusader Reduces the mana cost of your Crusader Strike by 30%.
    Long WordLong Word Your Word of Glory heals for 50% less up front, but provides an additional 50% healing over 6 sec.
    Minor Glyphs
    Blessing of KingsBlessing of Kings Reduces the mana cost of Blessing of Kings by 50%.
    Blessing of MightBlessing of Might Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Might by 50%.
    InsightInsight Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Insight by 50%.
    JusticeJustice Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Justice by 50%.
    Lay on HandsLay on Hands Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands spell by 2 min.
    RighteousnessRighteousness Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Righteousness by 50%.
    TruthTruth Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Truth by 50%.

    Schurken Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush Increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush by 5 sec.
    BackstabBackstab Your Backstab critical strikes grant you 5 energy.
    EviscerateEviscerate Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
    HemorrhageHemorrhage Your Hemorrhage ability also causes the target to bleed, dealing 40% of the direct strike’s damage over 24 sec.
    Killing SpreeKilling Spree Increases the bonus to your damage while Killing Spree is active by an additional 10%.
    MutilateMutilate Reduces the cost of Mutilate by 5 energy.
    Revealing StrikeRevealing Strike Increases Revealing Strike’s bonus effectiveness to your finishing moves by an additional 10%
    RuptureRupture Increases the duration of Rupture by 4 sec.
    Shadow DanceShadow Dance Increases the duration of Shadow Dance by 2 sec.
    Sinister StrikeSinister Strike Your Sinister Strikes have a 20% chance to add an additional combo point.
    Slice and DiceSlice and Dice Increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 3 sec.
    VendettaVendetta Increases the duration of your Vendetta ability by 20%.
    Major Glyphs
    AmbushAmbush Increases the range on Ambush by 5 yards.
    Blade FlurryBlade Flurry Reduces the penalty to energy generation while Blade Flurry is active by 50%.
    BlindBlind Your Blind ability also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
    Cloak of ShadowsCloak of Shadows While Cloak of Shadows is active, you take 40% less physical damage.
    Crippling PoisonCrippling Poison Increases the chance to inflict your target with Crippling Poison by an additional 20%.
    Deadly ThrowDeadly Throw Increases the slowing effect on Deadly Throw by 20%.
    EvasionEvasion Increases the duration of Evasion by 5 sec.
    Expose ArmorExpose Armor Increases the duration of Expose Armor by 12 sec.
    Fan of KnivesFan of Knives Increases the radius of your Fan of Knives ability by 50%.
    FeintFeint Reduces the energy cost of Feint by 20.
    GarroteGarrote Increases the duration of your Garrote ability’s silence effect by 2 sec.
    GougeGouge Your Gouge ability no longer requires that the target be facing you.
    KickKick Increases the cooldown of your Kick ability by 4 sec, but this cooldown is reduced by 6 sec when your Kick successfully interrupts a spell.
    PreparationPreparation Your Preparation ability also instantly resets the cooldown of Kick, Dismantle, and Smoke Bomb.
    SapSap Increases the duration of Sap against non-player targets by 80 sec.
    SprintSprint Increases the movement speed of your Sprint ability by an additional 30%.
    Tricks of the TradeTricks of the Trade Removes the energy cost of your Tricks of the Trade ability but reduces the recipient’s damage bonus by 5%.
    VanishVanish Increases the duration of your Vanish effect by 2 sec.
    Minor Glyphs
    Blurred SpeedBlurred Speed Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
    DistractDistract Increases the range of your Distract ability by 5 yards.
    Pick LockPick Lock Reduces the cast time of your Pick Lock ability by 100%.
    Pick PocketPick Pocket Increases the range of your Pick Pocket ability by 5 yards.
    PoisonsPoisons You apply poisons to your weapons 50% faster.
    Safe FallSafe Fall Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.

    Schamanen Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Earth ShieldEarth Shield Increases the amount healed by your Earth Shield by 20%.
    Earthliving WeaponEarthliving Weapon Increases the effectiveness of your Earthliving weapon’s periodic healing by 20%.
    Feral SpiritFeral Spirit Your spirit wolves gain an additional 30% of your attack power.
    Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Elemental Totem by 5 min.
    Flame ShockFlame Shock Increases the duration of your Flame Shock by 50%.
    Flametongue WeaponFlametongue Weapon Increases spell critical strike chance by 2% while Flametongue Weapon is active.
    Lava BurstLava Burst Your Lava Burst spell deals 10% more damage.
    Lava LashLava Lash Increases the damage dealt by your Lava Lash ability by 20%.
    Lightning BoltLightning Bolt Increases the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt by 4%.
    RiptideRiptide Increases the duration of Riptide by 40%.
    ShockingShocking Reduces the global cooldown triggered by your shock spells to 1 sec.
    StormstrikeStormstrike Increases the Nature damage bonus from your Stormstrike ability by an additional 8%.
    Water ShieldWater Shield Increases the passive mana regeneration of your Water Shield spell by 50%.
    Windfury WeaponWindfury Weapon Increases the chance per swing for Windfury Weapon to trigger by 2%.
    Major Glyphs
    Chain HealChain Heal Increases healing done by your Chain Heal spell to targets beyond the first by 15%, but decreases the amount received by the initial target by 10%.
    Chain LightningChain Lightning Your Chain Lightning spell now strikes 2 additional targets, but deals 10% less initial damage.
    Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery While your Elemental Mastery ability is active, you take 20% less damage from all sources.
    Fire NovaFire Nova Increases the radius of your Fire Nova spell by 5 yards.
    Frost ShockFrost Shock Increases the duration of your Frost Shock by 2 sec.
    Ghost WolfGhost Wolf Your Ghost Wolf form grants an additional 5% movement speed.
    Grounding TotemGrounding Totem Instead of absorbing a spell, your Grounding Totem reflects the next harmful spell back at its caster, but the cooldown of your Grounding Totem is increased by 45 sec.
    Healing Stream TotemHealing Stream Totem Your Healing Stream Totem also increases the Fire, Frost, and Nature resistance of party and raid members within 10 yards by [if (PL<=70) then PL else if (PL<=80) then PL+(PL-70)*5 else PL+(PL-70)*5+(PL-80)*7].
    Healing WaveHealing Wave Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else.
    HexHex Reduces the cooldown of your Hex spell by 15 sec.
    Lightning ShieldLightning Shield Your Lightning Shield can no longer drop below 3 charges from dealing damage to attackers.
    Shamanistic RageShamanistic Rage Activating your Shamanistic Rage ability also cleanses you of all dispellable Magic debuffs.
    Stoneclaw TotemStoneclaw Totem Your Stoneclaw Totem also places a damage absorb shield on you, equal to 4 times the strength of the shield it places on your totems.
    ThunderThunder Reduces the cooldown on Thunderstorm by 10 sec.
    Totemic RecallTotemic Recall Causes your Totemic Recall ability to return an additional 50% of the mana cost of any recalled totems.
    Minor Glyphs
    Astral RecallAstral Recall Cooldown of your Astral Recall spell reduced by 7.5 min.
    Renewed LifeRenewed Life Your Reincarnation spell no longer requires a reagent.
    ThunderstormThunderstorm Increases the mana you receive from your Thunderstorm spell by 2%, but it no longer knocks enemies back.
    Water BreathingWater Breathing Your Water Breathing spell no longer requires a reagent.
    Water WalkingWater Walking Your Water Walking spell no longer requires a reagent.
    Arctic WolfArctic Wolf Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble an arctic wolf.

    Hexenmeister Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    Bane of AgonyBane of Agony Increases the duration of your Bane of Agony by 4 sec.
    Chaos BoltChaos Bolt Reduces the cooldown on Chaos Bolt by 2 sec.
    ConflagrateConflagrate Reduces the cooldown of your Conflagrate by 2 sec.
    CorruptionCorruption Your Corruption spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent. The Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
    FelguardFelguard Increases the damage done by your Felguard’s Legion Strike by 5%.
    HauntHaunt The bonus damage granted by your Haunt spell is increased by an additional 3%.
    ImmolateImmolate Increases the periodic damage of your Immolate by 10%.
    ImpImp Increases the damage done by your Imp’s Firebolt spell by 20%.
    IncinerateIncinerate Increases the damage done by Incinerate by 5%.
    Lash of PainLash of Pain Increases the damage done by your Succubus‘ Lash of Pain by 25%.
    MetamorphosisMetamorphosis Increases the duration of your Metamorphosis by 6 sec.
    ShadowburnShadowburn If your Shadowburn fails to kill the target at or below 20% health, your Shadowburn’s cooldown is instantly reset. This effect has a 6 sec cooldown.
    Unstable AfflictionUnstable Affliction Decreases the casting time of your Unstable Affliction by 0.2 sec.
    Major Glyphs
    Death CoilDeath Coil Increases the duration of your Death Coil by 0.5 sec.
    Demonic CircleDemonic Circle Reduces the cooldown on Demonic Circle by 4 sec.
    FearFear Your Fear causes the target to tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear, but now causes Fear to have a 5 sec cooldown.
    FelhunterFelhunter When your Felhunter uses Devour Magic, you will also be healed for that amount.
    HealthstoneHealthstone You receive 30% more healing from using a healthstone.
    Howl of TerrorHowl of Terror Reduces the cooldown on your Howl of Terror spell by 8 sec.
    Life TapLife Tap Reduces the global cooldown of your Life Tap by .5 sec.
    SeductionSeduction Your Succubus’s Seduction ability also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
    Shadow BoltShadow Bolt Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Bolt by 15%.
    ShadowflameShadowflame Your Shadowflame also applies a 70% movement speed slow on its victims.
    Soul LinkSoul Link Increases the percentage of damage shared via your Soul Link by an additional 5%.
    Soul SwapSoul Swap Your Soul Swap leaves your damage-over-time spells behind on the target you Soul Swapped from, but gives Soul Swap a 10 sec cooldown.
    SoulstoneSoulstone Increases the amount of health you gain from resurrecting via a Soulstone by an additional 40%.
    VoidwalkerVoidwalker Increases your Voidwalker’s total Stamina by 20%.
    Minor Glyphs
    Curse of ExhaustionCurse of Exhaustion Increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
    Drain SoulDrain Soul Your Drain Soul restores 10% of your total mana after you kill a target that yields experience or honor.
    Enslave DemonEnslave Demon Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
    Eye of KilroggEye of Kilrogg Increases the movement speed of your Eye of Kilrogg by 50% and allows it to fly in areas where flying mounts are enabled.
    Health FunnelHealth Funnel Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while channeling your Health Funnel spell by 100%.
    Ritual of SoulsRitual of Souls Reduces the mana cost of your Ritual of Souls spell by 70%.
    Unending BreathUnending Breath Increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath spell by 20%.

    Krieger Glyphen

    Prime Glyphs
    BladestormBladestorm Reduces the cooldown on Bladestorm by 15 sec.
    BloodthirstBloodthirst Increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10%.
    DevastateDevastate Increases the critical strike chance of Devastate by 5%.
    Mortal StrikeMortal Strike Increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 10%.
    OverpowerOverpower Increases the damage of Overpower by 10%.
    Raging BlowRaging Blow Increases the critical strike chance of Raging Blow by 5%.
    RevengeRevenge Increases the damage of Revenge by 10%.
    Shield SlamShield Slam Increases the damage of Shield Slam by 10%.
    SlamSlam Increases the critical strike chance of Slam by 5%.
    Major Glyphs
    CleavingCleaving Increases the number of targets your Cleave hits by 1.
    Colossus SmashColossus Smash Your Colossus Smash refreshes the duration of Sunder Armor stacks on a target.
    Death WishDeath Wish Death Wish no longer increases damage taken.
    Heroic ThrowHeroic Throw Your Heroic Throw applies a stack of Sunder Armor.
    InterceptIntercept Increases the duration of your Intercept stun by 1 sec.
    InterveneIntervene Increases the number of attacks you intercept for your Intervene target by 1.
    Long ChargeLong Charge Increases the range of your Charge ability by 5 yards.
    Piercing HowlPiercing Howl Increases the radius of Piercing Howl by 50%.
    Rapid ChargeRapid Charge Reduces the cooldown of your Charge ability by 7%.
    Resonating PowerResonating Power Reduces the rage cost of your Thunder Clap ability by 5.
    Shield WallShield Wall Shield Wall now reduces damage taken by 60%, but its cooldown is increased by 2 min.
    ShockwaveShockwave Reduces the cooldown on Shockwave by 3 sec.
    Spell ReflectionSpell Reflection Reduces the cooldown on Spell Reflection by 1 sec.
    Sunder ArmorSunder Armor Your Sunder Armor ability affects a second nearby target.
    Sweeping StrikesSweeping Strikes Reduces the rage cost of your Sweeping Strikes ability by 100%.
    Thunder ClapThunder Clap Increases the radius of your Thunder Clap ability by 2 yards.
    Victory RushVictory Rush Increases the total healing provided by your Victory Rush by 50%.
    Minor Glyphs
    BattleBattle Increases the duration by 2 min and area of effect by 50% of your Battle Shout.
    Berserker RageBerserker Rage Berserker Rage generates 5 rage when used.
    Bloody HealingBloody Healing Increases the healing you receive from Bloodthirst by 100%.
    CommandCommand Increases the duration by 2 min and area of effect by 50% of your Commanding Shout.
    Demoralizing ShoutDemoralizing Shout Increases the duration by 15 sec and area of effect by 50% of your Demoralizing Shout.
    Enduring VictoryEnduring Victory Increases the window of opportunity in which you can use Victory Rush by 5 sec.
    Furious SunderingFurious Sundering Reduces the cost of Sunder Armor by 50%.
    Intimidating ShoutIntimidating Shout Targets of your Intimidating Shout no longer move faster while feared.
    Streamer/YouTuber/Redakteur at Myself
    Jahrgang '79, seit Ende der '80er nerdiger Gamer. Absolvierte die Ausbildung zum Editor bei der Computec Media AG (PC Games) in Fürth. Kommunikationsdesigner durch die School of Life, Streamer und YouTuber aus Leidenschaft! Google+