Cataclysm Instanzen – Die verlorene Stadt der Tol’Vir im Video-Guide

Die dritte und letzte Instanz in Uldum, die verlorene Stadt der Tol’Vir (Lost City of Tol’Vir) ist ebenfalls für Spieler des Levels 84-85 ausgelegt, beinhaltet allerdings „nur“ vier Bosskämpfe. Hier ist man also deutlich schneller durch, als in den Hallen des Ursprungs. Hier findet ihr nun alle Bossfähigkeiten und einen kurzen Video-Guide zur verlorenen Stadt Tol’Vir.

General Hussam:

Bad Intentions Charges an enemy player with very Bad Intentions in mind. Unlimited range. Instant.
Hammer Fist Inflicts an attack that deals 75% Weapon damage instantly. Melee Range. Instant.
Shockwave General Husam cracks the ground beneath him, causing a Shockwave that inflicts damage 24375 to 25625 Physical damage to enemies within 4 yards of the Shockwave. Unlimited range. 5 sec cast.
Mystic Trap Inflicts 34125 to 35875 Fire damage to enemies within 7 yards, knocking the target back. Unlimited range. Instant.
Detonate Traps Arms all of the Mystic Traps, causing them to explode after 0 sec. Unlimited range. 1.5 sec cast.

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Schnappschlund (Lockmaw and Augh):


Icon Name Description
Dust Flail Periodically smashes the ground with his tail. Melee Range. Channeled.
Venomous Rage Increases damage dealt by 50% for until cancelled. Instant.
Scent of Blood Deals 1387 to 1612 bleeding damage every 2 seconds. Nearby hungry crocolisks can smell your blood! You are a prime target for attack. Instant.
Viscous Poison Inflicts 10740 to 13260 Nature damage to an enemy target and their allies within 5 yards, slowing their movement spead by 30% and dealing 8325 to 9675 Nature damage every 2 seconds. 45 yd range. Instant cast.
Icon Name Description
Dragon’s Breath Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 18037 to 20962 Fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec. Instant.
Frenzy Attack speed increased by 60%.
Paralytic Blow Dart Shoots a paralytic blow dart at the enemy, dealing 10221 to 11878 damage and then 4300 damage every 2 seconds. Also reduces haste by 40%. 40 yd range. Instant.
Whirlwind Deals 14137 to 15862 damage per sec. to surrounding enemies but slows movement speed by 35%. Channeled.

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Hochprophet Barim:

Fifty Lashings Deals 50 lashings, 5 at a time.
Repentance The target’s soul is ripped from their body. Instant.
Repentance The caster is shrouded in a holy light, impervious to damage. Instant.
Repentance Rips the target’s soul from their body, exposing them to the spirit world. Instant.
Plague of Ages Hurls a bolt of cursed blight at the enemy, dealing 6800 to 9200 Nature damage, and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. 45 yd range. Instant.
Heaven’s Fury Creates a vortex of swirling force near an enemy target that inflicts damage periodically. Unlimited range. Instant.
Hallowed Ground The hallowed ground below deals 7400 to 8600 Holy damage to those who stand on it. Instant.

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Absorb Storms Gathering energy from the storm. 100 yd range. Channeled.
Deflecting Winds Spell deflection increased by 90%.
Wailing Winds Knocks enemies into the air, dealing 2775 to 3225 damage per second. Channeled.
Storm Bolt Inflicts 9425 to 10575 Nature damage to an enemy. 70 yd range. Instant cast.

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Streamer/YouTuber/Redakteur at Myself
Jahrgang '79, seit Ende der '80er nerdiger Gamer. Absolvierte die Ausbildung zum Editor bei der Computec Media AG (PC Games) in Fürth. Kommunikationsdesigner durch die School of Life, Streamer und YouTuber aus Leidenschaft! Google+